Meniscus Tears: Symptoms, Treatments, and Recovery

September 6, 2022
Meniscus Tears: Symptoms, Treatments, and Recovery

In young athletes, most injuries to the meniscus are a result of trauma. The menisci are vulnerable to injuries in which there is both compression and twisting across the knee. Meniscus tears are common in contact sports, like football, as well as in skiing and volleyball. It is also common for the meniscus to be injured in conjunction with other knee injuries, including tears of the ACL.

If one of your athletes has experienced a meniscus tear, he or she may notice:

At first, the pain may not be as noticeable, and an athlete may be able to continue playing.

Mild to moderate meniscus tears can heal without surgery. Knee experts recommend that patients:

However, it is important to see a knee specialist if pain and discomfort worsen. Continuing to play with a torn meniscus could have long-term effects on the ability of the meniscus to heal on its own.

In cases of more severe tears, repair of the meniscus may be necessary. The decision to repair is based on many factors, including the location of the tear and the age of the patient. In patients whose meniscus is unlikely to heal on its own, surgery to remove the torn section is recommended. Though the meniscus plays an important role in the function of the human knee, once it’s torn and unable to be repaired, many of the beneficial aspects of that structure are lost.

If you think one of your athletes has suffered a meniscus tear or other knee injury, request an appointment with a DMOS knee and sports medicine specialist.

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