As much as athletes try to avoid injury, accidents while playing sports do happen. Injuries are an unfortunate part of being an athlete. Injuries can keep the athlete from practicing and playing. Some injuries could even be career-ending, depending on the severity of the injury.
At Engineered Performance by DMOS, we have the resources and expertise to help athletes return to the game. To help you get a better understanding of what we do, here are some ways sports rehab and physical therapy can help athletes.

Taking proper steps throughout one’s athletic career is necessary to avoid injury and stay in the game. By utilizing gym-based performance and rehabilitation training led by experts, athletes can rebuild their strength, prepare their bodies, and guard against future injuries.
Physical therapy is a fantastic tool that helps you recover faster, improve performance, and optimize movements after surgery or after experiencing an injury. The sooner you see a physical therapist after an injury, the faster you can get better. Our Physical Therapists are trained and knowledgeable in sports injuries and will guide you through different stretches, exercises, and techniques to help you eliminate pain and increase your mobility. In addition, they will work with you by helping you identify the causes, create a treatment plan geared towards your specific needs, and provide the highest quality of care to you and your injury.
Our Injury Recovery process is meant to serve as an adjunct to your sports physical therapy and help to optimize your results. For example, if you have suffered a severe injury or undergone surgery, this is great for helping you return to the higher level of performance that you’re used to. Our integrated team of physicians, physical therapists, and trainers are here to help you get back to your favorite sport.
In addition, if you have experienced an injury, consider visiting one of our Urgent Injury Clinics in Ankeny or West Des Moines, which are open six days a week – no appointment necessary. To learn more about sports rehab, physical therapy, and gym-based performance training, visit
*Disclaimer: The content of this blog is for informational purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions. While we make every effort to ensure the information we share is accurate, we welcome comments, suggestions, or corrections of errors. This blog should not be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing a “standard of care” in legal sense or basis for expert witness testimony. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of any statements or opinions made on this blog or website. In no way does listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content establish a doctor-patient relationship. This blog is not medical advice. If necessary, please seek treatment immediately*